When can we expect 0bama to thank Jason Schuringa for saving flight 253 bound for Detroit?
Or is his Hawaiian vacation more important than another terrorist attack?
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
Oh, the Dutchman will be destroyed by the media in 4....3.....2.... Obama will eventually apologize to Nigeria, the UK, Dearborn Michigan and Islam. Meanwhile, another incident happening NOW on the same flight in Detroit, but not known if its terrorist related yet...still breaking... Obama is a disgrace.
2 :
Good question, just reading some of the details Jasper did a heck of a job
3 :
Oh probably about the time Hell freezes over , the guy deserves a medal of freedom and at the very least 0bummer should have given him a "shout out!"
4 :
man he a regular person when he come back to office that's when things are going to get done but until then hes going to do what your doing which is nothing....