Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How Long Is The Flight From Detroit To Hawaii

How Long Is The Flight From Detroit To Hawaii?
Going to hawaii this week i can deal with being on a plane but i can not deal with the hours so how long dose it take??
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
total travel time can anywhere from 11hours to 16 hours depend on the connecting time but also remember some of that time is on the ground in the connecting city
2 :
If the flight is non-stop, about 8 1/2 hours. Have Fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Should the failed bomber from the Northwest flight to Detroit be given rights and tried under our Constitution

Should the failed bomber from the Northwest flight to Detroit be given rights and tried under our Constitution?
Should Mutallab be given rights as afforded under our Constitution and be tried like a common criminal, or should he be tried as an enemy combatant?
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
He should be tried like the criminal he is. The shoe bomber Richard Reid was tried that way under Bush and I didn't hear a peep out of conservatives. He was convicted and is in a supermax prison. Now that Obama is in office they start whining...
2 :
I certainly hope so, as a Supreme Court Case in 2004 determined that even enemy combatants should be given due process rights.
3 :
He committed a crime in the US, and will be tried and convicted without a problem under regular US law. His situation is completely different from the Gitmo terrorists who were captured under arms in a foreign country. There are VERY severe doubts about the likelihood of obtaining their conviction under US law of a US crime. First is the problem of if what they did was even a violation of any US criminal law at all, given that it all took place overseas, and second is the problem that the evidence against them was gathered by soldiers and intelligence agents, not cops, and accordingly the strict rules governing chains of custody to preserve it's admissibility at trial may not have been followed. If the defense lawyers are able to point to a break in the chain of custody (Documents left in an unlocked APC while the soldiers fought a gun battle outside, to use one actual example) then any evidence that is affected may not be admissible in court. Richard
4 :
No. He should be arrested and executed on the spot. These people do not respect OUR constitution. so why should we expand ours to peotwct them? Kill the -- all of them!
5 :
He should be administered all constitutionally guaranteed due process prior to receiving his death sentence.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1 hour and 26 mins enough for my connecting flight in Detroit airport going to Newark

1 hour and 26 mins enough for my connecting flight in Detroit airport going to Newark?
Flight is from Manila-Narita-Detroit-Newark This is for foreign passport holders who will have to go thru immigration, etc.
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 hr. & 26 min. layover in Detroit should give you time plenty of time before your departure to Detroit. You should have time to get something to eat or snack.
2 :
You might make it. But I wouldn't bet on it.
3 :
In my opinion, that is not enough time to get through immigration and customs and get to your next gate. Especially, as a non US citizen.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How long is the flight from Detroit to Boston

How long is the flight from Detroit to Boston?
Just wondering, I'm going to be stopping by those two cities over the summer as part of a summer-long vacay! ;) Thanx!
Other - United States - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That would depend on whether you have a non-stop flight or not. Best bet is to go to one of the travel sites and enter your info. That will give you an idea of flight time. My guess would be about two hours if you fly non-stop.
2 :
A direct flight is approx 1 Hrs 48 Min. You can get flight times for airports all over the world at http://www.jets.com/ I live in Boston and its a great city! Hope you have fun!

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