Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is it okay to arrive One hour before the Flight Departs

Is it okay to arrive One hour before the Flight Departs?
I have a Domestic flight out of Detroit...but the day of the flight..I have somethings to take care off, and will not be able to arrive till an hour before my flight departs? Do you think that is sufficient time to clear checking and get to my Departing gate?
Air Travel - 5 Answers
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1 :
It might be, if you hurry you will be ok
2 :
Yes! Domestic Flights say to arrive one hour early, and International Flights arrive two hours early before departure.
3 :
Depends on the airport and the time of day and the time of year. I live in LA and at LAX, late morning, peak season, fahgedaboudit, three hours minimum. But if you are leaving out of a smaller less crowded airport you might be ok. I love my local Burbank airport. If I arrive an hour early I am sitting at the gate for 40 minutes. There are things you can do to speed up the process. First, have somebody drop you off, parking and waiting for the shuttle eats up a lot of time. Next, no checked bags, that's a whole security line you don't have to wait in. Also, most airlines let you check in online, definitely do that. Then with boarding passes in hand, just go straight to the main security line, you MIGHT get through that in under an hour, if it's not too busy. Don't wear any metal, wear slip on shoes and don't have any liquids in the carry on. Good luck!
4 :
This link has a list of historic wait times at the DTW airport based on the time of day: http://www.ifly.com/detroit-metropolitian-airport/wait-times You can use those times to get a reasonable prediction of how long you will wait once you arrive at security. Also, take into account the walk from security to the gate, if you will take the shuttle or not, where you will park, if you can get dropped off, etc. DTW is pretty busy, and pretty big. It can take 15 minuets just to get from security to some of the gates. Also, if you are not at your gate 20 minutes before departure time, you can loose your seat, and lose your right to re-use the value of your ticket. This does not often happen, but if you are on a full flight, and it can leave early, they will board early and the door will be shut at the 20 minute mark. It has happened to me at DTW before. I would recommend checking in on-line and not checking a bag, but take warning that if you walk through the door 1 hour before departure, you could be cutting it very close.
5 :
no i don't think so! try to do what you gotta do the day before because you never know what you will be faced with long check in time. huge security line missing your flight!! i would rather be safe than sorry..

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